Anderlecht is thinking of Casteels

SATURDAY, 18 MAY 2024, 12:58 - lajoya
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

TRANSFERS Regardless of how the league ends, it will as usual be another busy summer in terms of transfers. Who will be in goal for Purple and White next season is not yet known. There is an option to extend Schmeichel's contract at a higher salary, but a decision may not be made until after the European Championship. As a fully-fledged alternative, Anderlecht is looking towards Koen Casteels (31) who is at Wolfsburg end of contract, according to Het Nieuwsblad.

Casteels, who has a chance to be in goal for the Red Devils at the European Championship due to Courtois' absence, said he will not extend his contract because he is ready for a new challenge after almost 300 matches in Germany. Casteels did already indicate that the Belgian league is not an immediate priority, yet he did not completely rule it out either.

It has been known for a while that Casteels would not extend, yet there is still no news about his new club. Moreover, the goalkeeper has also already built a house for his family in Belgium.

Source: © Internal source