Les humeurs des supporters (4)

DIMANCHE, 26 NOVEMBRE 2017, 13:28 - Bomber
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OPINIONS Enfin, last but not least, voici le long commentaite d'Ally. Ce supporter britannique du Sporting s'érige comme le plus ardent défenseur de Teo. Son analyse de l'attitude de l'attaquant sur le terrain est extrêmement pointue. Il déplore l'attitude des médias et de certains supporters et compare la situation du Polonais à celle d'Eden Hazard qui a vécu une année presque entière sans marquer le moindre but avec Chelsea.

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I read with interest your piece about Teo this morning, I have followed his success and his current difficulties closely along with the rest of the team for some time

There are many facets to what is going on with Teo.
Firstly, he seems to take every failure extremely personally, he obviously feels very obliged to score like he did last season and that in turn has made him very very tense....you can see just how tense he is with each filure to score just by ooking at his facial expressions and his eyes, he gets angry with himself.....as Lewandowski has told him, he needs to relax, focus and just flow with the game and the goals will soon come. 

Secondly, and this is part of the tension issue in that he is so stiff with his desire for perfection, that when it comes to actually scoring, he is so wound up and so stressed out about getting that ball into that net that his focus shifts.  So instead of looking and focusing on the net, he is actually looking at where his feet are and the ball.....if you look at the clips of his goals last year, he had a mental picture of where the ball was and always locked his eyes on the net, this season his gaze is firmly on the ball and not where the ball has to go......he is lacking in confidence and he is insecure as to his ability.  We all know that he has buckets of ability but there is a crisis of confidence right now within him and that is effectively blocking his ability to score.

Thirdly, Teo is a striker who needs to be fed good clean balls, last season Tielemans and the others all worked hard to sweep balls into Teo's firing line.  This season alot of the attempts on goal are unassisted, Teo has masses of energy and he can run from one end of the pitch to the other but when you want to get your aim erfect and have the power behind the ball a striker depends alot on having good feeders....so maybe its time for Hein to find 2 or three really good feeder players, or sweepers, who can get the clean ball to Teo like they did last season so that he can get his full weight and power behind the ball rather than having to do almost everything himself......its a proven fact that a striker will almost aways score when fed good clean crossed balls, his team needs to assist him more and basically work as a team to help their strikers (the lack of decent crossing and set pieces is not just an issue for Teo but also the other strikers too)


Fourthly, it must be remembered that ALL front line goal scorers have droughts, look at Eden Hazard, he had a torrid time at Chelsea not long ago, he could not find the net no matter how hard he tried for months, Lukaku, Lewandowski....even Ronaldo has suffers droughts....it happens alot.  Strikers are not machines, they are human beings and sometimes and for months at a time, the old human being part breaks down a bit....the fans need to step in and lift them back up, support them and make them feel that everything will be OK....the fans need to be there for Teo.....and as for the media, they can start being less arsey too cos that is adding to the misery and pressure that is really not respectful or needed right now.

Finally, most top flight clubs employ a sports psychologist who sits down with a player and works on their confidence and their mind blocks, Teo could do with that sort of facility to walk him through what he is feeling, how to handle the pressures and how to deal with his own sense of failure which is making things worse.  He has the ability, he knows he has the ability but for reasons only a sports psychologist can unlock he is unable to use his ability.

Putting human beings under so much pressure to be perfect and not havng some sort of safety net that they can use will burn them out...the fans and the club demand perfection, Teo is a perfectionist and its hurting him far more than people realise and that is the catch 22 that needs to be broken.......he wants to score so desperately, he is getting seriousy wound up - hence the uncharacteristic behaviour that earned him the suspension - he is winding himself up so much cos he wants to please everyone and by winding himself up so much he keeps failing.

If he could just find the way to relax and enjoy his game like he did last season and not feel the pressure that he must score like last season, he will be fine and the goals will come...but he needs help and support from his team and the fans and the media cos if the levels of pressure stay where they are he will surely explode.  Men are not good with emotional things and Teo is punishing himself hard with each failure, he feels he is letting everyone down and the chanting etc is just adding to that sense of failure....he needs support to get his confidence back to where it was last season, you can see it in his eyes that he wants to score goals, we as fans need to support him and his team need to help him better on the pitch and we will soon see our Teo fly once again.