Les humeurs des supporters (10)

DIMANCHE, 8 AVRIL 2018, 13:15 - Bomber
Anderlecht-Online No Image Found

Cela faisait quelques mois qu'Ally, ce supporter anglais fan du Sporting, ne m’avait plus écrit.
Etant donné qu’il s’exprime dans la langue de Shakespeare, je ne le publie que rarement, mais sa prose revêt toujours un caractère intéressant.

Si vous ne maitrisez pas l’anglais, il suffit de copier le texte et de le traduire via un site spécialisé sur Internet. La traduction n’est jamais parfaite, mais on comprend le message.
Vous constaterez qu’Ally n’est pas tendre avec le Standard et qu’il interprète le tir de barrage des médias comme une tentative de déstabiliser Teo.

I respectfully agree with your fury

Teo has long since been the target of players, journo's, fans and referee's....it is little wonder that the man has little trust of anything with a microphone and its little surprise that he often closes himself down and becomes self critical...the pressure that he is under is immense from all sides, yet he still manages to score, to smile and to perform with a certain amount of grace

If the media moguls & pundits want to see real thuggery on the pitch, they need to look no further than last night's Standard game
A weak referee....who's only redeeming features were a VAR disallowed goal and a red card in the last seconds of the game for Standard....Agbo, Carcela, Sa Pinto, Luyindama et al all behaved like undisciplined animals against a brave and beaten up Genk
Teams like Standard should be sanctioned as a whole, they bring our beautiful game into total disrepute with their bully boy and time wasting tactics...and Sa Pinto's amateur dramatics

The media and pundits should be all over them like a rash for their behaviour
But no...
They take aim for the one person who they know has a very short fuse, the one who they know does not trust them and who they know they can deeply affect mentally and emotionally.......our Teo

This is the media all over the world though, here in the UK we have similar issues and I dare say it happens worldwide
The media and pundits rarely go after a bad team like Standard, its too difficult, they might be accused of showing bias or being unreasonable
They go for the throat of one player who they see as their prey and who they can disrespect at will and then act all smug and obnoxious when that player is suspended..."We told you so"
The media never looks for the REAL bad guys like Standard......they only go for ones that they know that they can get under the skin, they are like playground bullies looking for their targets.....
Teo does not trust the media and pundits
Well there are many millions of us who also do not......he is, and he never will be, alone

Best wishes....and despite what Hein keeps saying about us having no chance of it, lets get the title this year, keep fighting, keep the passion, the pride and the strength of character