Les humeurs des supporters (3)

JEUDI, 24 MAI 2018, 14:14 - Bomber
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OPINIONS Ally m'écrit très régulièrement ... en anglais, sa langue maternelle.
Dans un de ses derniers messages, ELLE a signé Miss Ally et j'ai immédiatement compris ma méprise, moi qui croyais qu'il s'agissait d'UN fan.
Il faut dire que dans les centaines de mails reçus depuis l'ouverture de cette rubrique il y a deux ans, je n'avais reçu qu'un seul message ... féminin.

Je sais qu'il y a l'inconvénient de la langue si on ne comprend pas l'anglais, mais les messages d'Ally constituent toujours d'exellents analyses très pertinentes et j'en puble donc de temps en temps. 
Si vous ne maitrisez pas la langue de Shakespeare, n'hésitez pas à utiliser un taducteur en ligne, ce ne sera pas du Molière, mais le texte sera compréhensible.

Dear MB

Might I join you in lamenting what has been an amazing come down after last season's joy and celebrations.
This season has certainly thrown up some issues, there can be no denying that.
The curse of the football manager was alive and kicking with us and several other managers.....win the silverware and be fired......get to the top of the table and be fired.....make the wrong choices in squad selection (and not only Martinez) and be fired (we can hope in relation to Martinez).

Weiler was shown the door after a magnificent season of unconventional, Prosecco football that landed us with the title and the EL quarters for the first time in 20 years...we finally got our pride back and silverware in the cupboard.
Sadly we pulled the shortest straw in CL and we simply could not compete on a level playing field against the likes of PSG and Bayern....we did not have enough quality in the ranks, plain and simple.

I suspected back then that the club was being made ready to sell....the body language of Roger gave that game away more than once.....I also thought Weiler, having done his job 12 months ahead of time, would soon be shown the door....the curse of the football manager struck him hard and away he went after a conspiracy of hatred and vitriole.
Frutos never stood a chance....too young, too inexperienced but he showed great promise and as with Weiler, on the whole the players did try to do their best.
Then came the news that was no surprise......Hein the Messiah and the club was indeed to be sold.
After all the furore had died down and Van Holsbeeck and his little klingon friend Mogi had exited stage right, we have a breath of fresh air in Coucke & Devroe who quite lterally have hit the ground running and have already been getting contracts signed and sealed faster than Usain Bolt running for his breakfast.

The future......ah yes....the curse of the manager who....injured everyone.
Seriously....last season we played more games than this season and yet apart from niggles and Najar we had no injuries, at the end of the season we had a full compliment of players to choose from.
This season we have been forced to steal players from our youth team and reserves....its not a lack of fitness or laziness orthe multitude of other exuses that came from Hein the Messiah....it was Hein's own work.

We need someone like Claudio Ranieri at the helm, someone with guts to shake the tree a bit and get the players playing.
Last season we had players come out onto the pitch with heads up and smiling......we are back to the Hasi days of sullen looks and bored "Why am I here" faces.
So....we need a new experienced manager who can encourage the players and not run them down.

Players......ones to keep.....
Teo, yes his season has been patchy but I suspect his family issues have been a cause for that cos against Brugge he did his first "T" which after Tomas passed away a while later seemed to confirm that Tomas was unwell and as Teo has had a rough upbringing, he was deeply worried and affected by Tomas both before he passed and obviously afterwards too.
Markovic...he shows great promise and speed and given a chance to show what he can do would be a real asset.
Najar...cracking little player, frustrated by injury but fast and very clever with the ball...and he can pass too.
Sels....had moments of madness (I wish he stayed in his box more often) but generally was OK.
Spajic....great player, sensible, strong and is not afraid to get in there and fight for the ball...his nose job and ankle confirm that.
Kara....man mountain, perfect captain, has to stay.
Gerkens.....fine player, needs to mature more maybe and concentrate more but definitely promising.
Morioka....he is another Stanciu, wanting to prove himself so much that he stuffs things sometimes but given patience and the right coaching he will be an asset.
Saief.....tough cookie with a mature head and a strong kick.

It goes without saying that our youngsters have proved themselves worthy of the jersey, they have done us proud when things looked bleak, so they should stay, mature and grow into their respective roles.
The rest can be sold or loaned out....Onyekuru is too much of a diva, he never listens to instruction....Kums is worn out, he should never have been bought.....Dendoncker too easy to fall into transferitis and not consistent enough....Obradovic shined with Weiler and Frutos but has lost his way with Hein.

Looking at the new players coming in we have a decent selection of raw talent and experienced footyists.
Next season we have no excuses.....none....so if Hein still cannot make a team and get them to work then the buck needs to stop with him and he needs to leave.(Sa Pinto was treated badly, he put his heart and soul into Standard and got nothing back...the curse of the footy manager strikes again.....yes I know he was a bit of a twit sometimes but hey, working at Standard can't be easy can it?).
Next season.......new manager, new players and the title....positive thoughts & fingers crossed.


Ally Jones

your English footy mad RSCA fan